Electronic – Star sub-network with LoRa capability


I am working on a project where I will have 2 or 3 sensors inside a house, all sending data back to a central sensor/hub in a star network configuration. This central sensor would then buffer all the data from others and itself and send it across a LoRa network to a central server once a day. The whole system has to be ultra low-power.

At the moment my plan was to use a non-LoRa wireless network within the home (with a CC1310 or nRF51822) and have one device with LoRa capability (SX1272) to act as the hub. I wondered though, would it be possible to just use LoRa as the main network within the house too and replace the wirelss SoC with a different non-wireless low power microcontroller?

Best Answer

Yes, it is possible to use a SX1272 or SX1276 to receive data sent by sensors and then use it to transmit data to a LoRaWAN public network while staying very low-power.

All LoRa transceivers have a "channel activity detect" (or CAD) function that can be used to save power and wake a receiver only when an emitter wants to send a message. Unlike traditional FSK transceivers such as the CC1310 that use RSSI, the CAD function is very selective and triggers only when a LoRa signal, with the proper bandwidth and spreading factor, is emitted in the channel. Because it doesn't wakes up every time there is noise in the channel, it can be quite power-efficient.

If you do a CAD detection every N seconds, each transmitter will have to send a packet with a N seconds preamble in order to wake up the receiver. This is a energy trade-off.

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