Electronic – STM32 PWM problem

duty cyclemicrocontrollerpwmstm32stm32f4

Using a STM32F407 board. I want to generate a PWM signal. I have the following function:

 * \brief   Sets the CCR timer register. The register determines the duty cyle.
 * \param   ChannelNumber: channel index from channels configuration array.
 * \param   DutyCycle: value that represents the duty cycle of PWM signal. Can take values between 0x00 and 0x8000.
 * \return -
void Pwm_SetDutyCycle(Pwm_ChannelType ChannelNumber, uint16 DutyCycle)
   uint32 ul_ARR = Pwm_pt_GroupsConfig[ChannelNumber].pt_Register->ARR;

   DutyCycle = ((DutyCycle * ul_ARR) >> 15U) ;

   *Pwm_pt_GroupsConfig[ChannelNumber].pt_DutyCycleRegister = DutyCycle;


When I call the function with a value between 0x0000 and 0x8000, for example 0x4000, I have 50 % duty cycle:
enter image description here

For 0x8000 I get 100 % duty cycle.
All good.

enter image description here

If I want 0 % duty cycle : 0x0000

enter image description here

When DutyCycleRegister is set to 0x00 seems that the PWM pin is floating or compare unit is inactive, not pulled to ground.
Does anyone know what is going on ?

If I modify the PWM function like this and not allow the DutyCycle to take 0 value.

DutyCycle = ((DutyCycle * ul_ARR) >> 15U) +1;

At 0x0000:
enter image description here
The configuration array:

    /** \brief Register configuration array */
static const RegInit_Masked32BitsSingleType Pwm_kat_Registers[PWM_NUMBER_OF_REGISTERS] =

/*                                        TIMER 2 CONFIGURATION                                                       */

    *    Configuration of TIM2_CR1 register
    *    - Set the counting direction as 'upcounter'
    *          0: Upcounter
    *          1: Downcounter

      (volatile uint32*) &TIM2->CR1,

      (uint32) ~(TIM_CR1_DIR),

      (uint32) (0x00)

    *    Configuration of TIM2_EGR register
    *    - Set update generation to restart the counter after it has reached its peak value.
    *          0: No action
    *          1: Re-initialize the counter

      (volatile uint32*) &TIM2->EGR,

      (uint32) ~(TIM_EGR_UG),

      (uint32) (TIM_EGR_UG)

    *    Configuration of TIM2_PSC register
    *    - Set prescaler value to 0.
    *          Range:                   0 to 0xFFFF
    *          Divided clock frequency: fCK_PSC / (PSC[15:0] + 1).

      (volatile uint32*) &TIM2->PSC,

      (uint32) ~(TIM_PSC_PSC),

      (uint32) (0x00)

    *    Configuration of TIM2_ARR register
    *    - Set auto-reload value to 0xFA0.
      (volatile uint32*) &TIM2->ARR,

      (uint32) ~(TIM_ARR_PRELOAD),

      (uint32) (TIM_ARR_FREQUENCY)

    *    Configuration of TIM2_CR1 register
    *    - Set the counter enable register to 1
    *          0: Counter disabled
    *          1: Counter enabled
      (volatile uint32*) &TIM2->CR1,

      (uint32) ~(TIM_CR1_CEN),

      (uint32) (TIM_CR1_CEN)

    *    Configuration of TIM2_CCMR1 register
    *    - Set the PWM mode 1
    *          110: PWM mode 1 - In upcounting, channel 1 is active as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCR1
    *               else inactive. In downcounting, channel 1 is inactive (OC1REF=‘0’) as long as
    *               TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCR1 else active (OC1REF=’1’).
    *          111: PWM mode 2 - In upcounting, channel 1 is inactive as long as TIMx_CNT<TIMx_CCR1
    *               else active. In downcounting, channel 1 is active as long as TIMx_CNT>TIMx_CCR1 else
    *               inactive.
      (volatile uint32*) &TIM2->CCMR1,

      (uint32) ~(
      TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE |
      TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2 |

      (uint32) (
      TIM_CCMR1_OC2PE |
      TIM_CCMR1_OC2M_2 |

    *    Configuration of TIM2_CCER register
    *    - Set capture/compare enable register. Enable CC2E: Capture/Compare 2 output enable.
      (volatile uint32*) &TIM2->CCER,

      (uint32) ~(TIM_CCER_CC2E),

      (uint32) (TIM_CCER_CC2E)

    *    Configuration of TIM2_CCR2 register. While initialization the duty cycle is set to 0.
      (volatile uint32*) &TIM2->CCR2,

      (uint32) ~(TIM_CCR2_CCR2),

      (uint32) (0x00)

@Alex Lee came with a good observation and I think is right.
The solution, in order to get rid of spikes, at 100 % is to give to dutyCycle this expression:

DutyCycle = ((DutyCycle * (ul_ARR + 1)) >> 15U) ;

(TIMx_ARR + 1) because:
110: PWM mode 1 – In upcounting, channel 1 is active as long as TIMx_CNT < TIMx_CCRx else inactive.

Best Answer

The vertical scale on your first two oscilloscope traces (50% and 100% duty cycle) is roughly 0-3 V

The vertical scale on your third oscilloscope trace (0% duty cycle) is around 0-30 mV

The amplitude of the noise is thus probably the same in all the traces, but it is only obvious when magnified in the third image which is "zoomed in" by a factor of 100!