Electronic – STM32F072 3.3V on UART with Wi-Fi ESP 8226


I do have STM32F072RB microcontroller which works on 5V but also have output power pins on 3.3V.

I do have Wi-Fi module (ESP 8226) that works on 3.3V. I can power it with STM easily but what about UART pins? Will they switch themselves to 3.3V and work properly? When not, how do I connect RX and TX busses so they can work properly?

Best Answer

Well, I think this is not a question for stack overflow. But I give my opinion anyway. I think you got it wrong. The STM32F072 does not work on a 5V power supply. The power supply must be below 3.6V. Most of the IOs are 5V tolerant, which means that if you apply 5V on them, it will not break the device. So in your case, power the STM32 with a 3V3 power supply and its solves your issue!