Electronic – STM32F2 build environment


Would like to get an insight on how to build an environment with FreeRTOS +LWIP on eclipse for building a specific application on STM32. What do you recommend?

Best Answer

You would need to install

  • Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
  • CodeSourcery Lite (ARM processors EABI Release) - a GCC toolchain for ARM
  • GNU ARM Plugin for Eclipse - simplifies GCC configuration

I have a project with Eclipse Juno + CodeSourcery Lite + J-link GDB + SMTM32F4/F2 + FreeRTOS 7.3 + lwIP 1.4.1 ( PHY is KSZ8051). So if you have any specific troubles just let me know.

There is also CooCox CoIDE. It's Eclipse based and it's already preconfigured and works with J-link and ST-Link. For me the only downside was that it doesn't support C++ but only C.