Electronic – Strange pin behavior with pic16f88


I have been learning(trying to at least) how to work with pic microcontrollers, and I have noticed this behavior that I am not sure whether it is just my fault or is supposed to happen. I wrote the below program with hopes to make an led blink. It does blink just fine, when connected to the pin labeled RA2, but when I connect the led to pin 15 (labeled RA6/OSC2/CLKO on datasheet) the led stays on, as though I had connected it to Vdd. Then when I put it back in RA2 where it belongs, it is off. The only way to get it back on again is connecting a 10k resistor between Vdd and MCLR (like how it is when programming). What is happening here? MCLR is also needed when tapping it to some other pins. Am I causing damage?
The circuit is 3 AA batteries powering the pic, with a 330 resistor and 3mm led in series running from pin 1 (RA2) to pin 5 (ground).
pic16f88 datasheet

#include <xc.h>


void main(){

    TRISA = 0x0000;
   // RB6 = 0b000010;
        RA2 = 1;
        RA2 = 0;
int Wait(void) // gives me a delay of 1/3rd a second or so
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)

Best Answer

You need to tie the MCLR pin high during normal operation otherwise the chip will be held in reset. Notice the bar over MCLR, this means it is active low.
Use a resistor between MCLR and Vdd of around 10kΩ (<40kΩ)
See p.132/133 of datasheet.