Electronic – Switching of RS485 differential line. Two sources, one output


I'm looking for a solution for my project.

I have two signal sources (primary source and secondary source) on the RS485 (A/B) differential line. When/if something goes wrong on the primary, then I switch over the button switches to the secondary source.

Schematic showing unknown switch

Which electric component could I use for switching the differential line (other than a relay)?

Best Answer

As you don't wish to use a relay, you could possibly use a CD4066, CMOS Quad Bilateral Switch (datasheet):


Although as suggested in Finbarr's comment, as you might want to use a double pole switch, you would want to use all four switches within the IC package.

See image below taken from How to Build a 4066 Quad Bilateral Switch Circuit


Just modify the schematic to use the other two input and output pins as well as Control C and Control D