Electronic – SX1272 – LoRa – What is the minimal schematic (needed capacitors/resistors) to use that device


I'm interested in SX1272 by Semtech. It's a LoRa modem.

I'm not the best at reading datasheets. Maybe it's because of my poor English. I wonder what is the minimum schematic of such a chip? What capacitors, resistors, inductors do I need and where?

On the Semtech's website I found something like this:
868 MHz – Combined RFI and RFO (high efficiency PA) design, switchless
This PDF contains a scheme, but a lot of values of capacitors are not specified. Do I need to somehow calculate them by myself? How to do it?
Is it minimal connection needed?

I just want to connect SX1272 to ATmega88.

BTW. As I understand, the SX1272 can not be programmed? – Ie. Upload your own program? But on the other hand, what would be the use of GPIO pins?

Best Answer

I would call that the schematic from the mBed shield minimal for the most part. For reference: enter image description here

You won't want to leave the decoupling capacitors out on the voltage rails. As for the various inductors and capacitors on the RF antenna line, I would leave those. Don't mess with that stuff unless you know exactly what you're doing. I don't do RF design so I can't advise on this.

Do I need to somehow calculate them by myself? How to do it?

The values of the components in the RF antenna path, those are very tailored to the PCB design and antenna design, it is very specialized work. If you want to make a watered down version of the mbed shield, you can just use what the values are in the bill of materials, which is in that same zip file that contains the design files for the mbed shield, so long as you also use the same PCB design for the antenna.

As I understand, the SX1272 can not be programmed? - Ie. Upload your own program?

Right. The SX1272 is merely a modem/tranciever IC. There is limited configuration of the GPIO pins which can be tied to do certain actions but you won't be programming it in any manner similar to an atmega.

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