Electronic symbols standard sizes


I started to make my own eagle library with all basic parts like resistors, capacitors, inductors and so on…

I know there is a standard for electronic symbols but I couldn't find the dimensions of the symbols (for example the width and height of a resistor) (I'm talking about DIN here).

Does someone know where I can get that information?

enter image description here

Best Answer

From IEC 60617 (preview) :

The meaning of a symbol is defined by its shape and by its content. The size and line thickness do not affect the meaning. The minimum size of a symbol shall be such that the rules for line thickness, spacing of lines, lettering, etc. can be applied. Within these constraints, the symbols intended for installation diagrams and network maps may be enlarged or reduced to suit the scale of the plan or map.

Refer to page 6 of the referenced document for more info.