Electronic – SystemVerilog: How to give different parameters to modules in the same array


In my design, I wanted to use a number of counters with different initial values on reset. Therefore I defined the counter module as follows:

module my_counter #(parameter int INIT_VALUE = 0)
        input clock, reset,

Then in the design I have 4 instances of mycounter that share a lot of inputs, but have different initial values. I'd like to make them a module array, but the best way I've come up with is:

defparam my_counters[0].INIT_VALUE = 0;
defparam my_counters[1].INIT_VALUE = 1;
defparam my_counters[2].INIT_VALUE = 2;
defparam my_counters[3].INIT_VALUE = 3;
my_counter my_counters[3:0](

That works with simulation, but I've heard that defparam is considered poor form. Furthermore, when trying to synthesize my design, the synthesizer complains that Syntax error at or near token '['. on the lines with defparam.

How could I do what I wanted to do without a lot of code duplication?

Best Answer

Use a generate loop

for(genvar ii=0; ii<4; ii++) begin : counter_loop
  my_counter #(.INIT_VALUE(ii)) my_cnt (.clock, .reset ... );
end : counter_loop

If the values you want to override cannot be computed by a simple loop expression, you can use a parameter array.

parameter int ARRAY_VALUE[4] = {1,3,5,10};
for(genvar ii=0; ii<4; ii++) begin : counter_loop
    my_counter #(.INIT_VALUE(ARRAY_VALUE[ii])) my_cnt (.clock, .reset ... );
end : counter_loop