Electronic – Temperature sensing with ADS1115


I am using an ADS1115 as an analog to digital converter to measure temperature. I am using an RTD100 temperature sensor to measure a temperature range of -40 to 150 degree celsius but the resistance vs. temperature table of the temperature sensor is non linear.

How can I convert the temperature range of -40 to 150 degree celsius
to a proportional voltage of 0-5V so that I can measure it with an ADS1115?

Temperature vs. resistance table of RTD100:

enter image description here

enter image description here

This is a reference circuit to which an RTD100 is connected. It converts the temperature range of 0-200 degrees celsius to 0-5V but I want to design a circuit that converts (-40)-150 degree celsius to 0-5V.

How should I calculate the resistance values connected to the opamp?

Best Answer

You have to apply higher-order polynomial regression (second-order is enough) for establishing the relationship. There is a built-in function in Matlab and GNU Octave for establishing the relationship. Besides, you may apply gradient descent to find the relationship (which is really tough).

I always use Octave for algorithm development. It's free and just 300 MB. Matlab is bulky and costly. All you have to do is to copy and paste the chart in a txt file.

https://github.com/SadatRafi/Thermistor-Curve-Fitting-Octave I've uploaded my octave code and details in GitHub. I hope it might be helpful.

enter image description here

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