Electronic – Texas Instruments Compiler


I am working with TI's CC2533 SoC Low Power RF

I bought a few chips and assembled a few PCBs.. Using TI's debugger I confirmed that I can send and receive packets using the basic RF using the RFStudio.

Something I have not realised is that TI does not have an IDE for this and uses IAR Workbench 8051 with a TI downloadable SimpliciTI Protocol stack that is supposed to plug into IAR.

The problem is that the software is only 30 day trial and costs nearly 2000 dollars.

Has any body here compiled any firmware using some opensource or free IDE for this series of SoC?

As I jumped off the Arduino band wagon straight onto this.. I assumed there would be an IDE available for general use.. especially because I bought the official dev kit.

Best Answer

All of the Chipcon 8051 SoCs are supported by the open source SDCC compiler. But, all you get is a compiler, no examples or demos.

There's no available port of SimpliciTI for SDCC.

There is a port of Contiki, an open source operating system for wireless sensors. http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Getting_started_with_Contiki_and_CC2530