Electronic – the best practices of placing of termination resistor


Usually I placed the 120 Ohm termination resistor pads in the PCB. So I could place the resistor or not during the PCB assembly for different applications.

However I suppose that the termination resistors should be a part of the transmission line – not the device. Besides, device user could be unaware of the fact that the termination resistor is already on the board and as the result – overload transducers.

On the other hand in case I don't have terminators on the PCB I will need them on the line which equals extra external components (terminal blocks, resistors…).

So the question is: which way will be the most convenient in terms of installation? Probably I could use 3-way RS485 terminal blocks (A, B, terminal resistor connected to the A or B). I could put a jumper accessible from the outside. Or finally I could skip the terminator at all as the speed id only 9600 baud (in my case).

Any thoughts?

Best Answer

Use two switches, jumpers. Why two? Beacuse you need also to bias the signal.



simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab