Electronic – the capacitor charging time when charged with a pnp current mirror circuit

capacitorchargingcurrentremote control

I want to use a 555 in monostable mode to make a ramp signal generator. The capacitor would be charged using a current mirror circuit.

Given a input voltage, what would be the charging time of capacitor?

My understanding is: \$ \dfrac{V}{V-V_{EB}} \cdot R \cdot C \$

where \$ V_{EB} \$ is 0.545V and constant.

I am using a circuit from here:

enter image description here

Best Answer

From the equation here we have

\$ I_{ref} = I_c(1 + \frac{2}{\beta})\$,so

\$I_c = \frac{I_ref}{1 + \frac{2}{\beta}}\$

where \$I_{ref} \approx \frac{12 - 0.6}{100k} = 0.114 mA\$.

From \$I = C\frac{dv}{dt} \$ we get \$ V(t) = \frac{I}{C}t\$.

Assuming the transistors in the current mirror have a high \$\beta\$ then \$ I_c \approx I_{ref}\$. The 555 timer upper comparator will fire when \$V_c = \frac{2}{3}V_{cc} = 8v.\$ Plugging these numbers in to the equation above along with the capacitor value and solving for t we get:

\$ 8 = \frac{1.14*10^{-5}}{470*10^{-6}}t \implies t \approx 330\$ seconds.

Even assuming that the capacitor is "ideal", high transistor beta, and that the 555 timer inputs draw no current, the actual charging time will probably be greater than this, due to the Early effect of the right hand transistor in the current mirror.