Electronic – the difference between Atmel ICE, Atmel SAM-ICE and Atmel JTAGICE mkII


What is the difference between Atmel ICE, Atmel SAM-ICE and Atmel JTAGICE mkII?

From what I understand, Atmel ICE is cheaper and better in every way, support more families, thus why would one buy the other one?

Best Answer

There are some points that you have to contemplate.

Yeah, I know that the Atmel-ICE can support a wide range of the Atmel products but I can guess that many compilers or IDEs don't support it.

For instance, when you work with Keil and have bought it, you don't want to buy an Atmel-ICE because the Keil can't support it.

If you buy an Atmel SAM-ICE, you will have a chance to use it in Keil because the Keil supports it as a J-Link debugger.

On the other hand, if you notice, the Atmel-ICE doesn't support AT91 while the Atmel SAM-ICE does; or for another example, the Atmel JTAGICE mkII has an on-board 512kB SRAM for fast statement-level stepping but the Atmel-ICE doesn't.

I hope this answer will help you.