Electronic – The effect of combined resistors

resistanceresistorsvoltage divider

I need to convert 5v to 3.3v, easy. I need an 2k resistor though so i looked if two 1k resistors could achieve the same effect. I found pretty contradictory information on the subject though, could someone help me out? (sry im kind of a newbie in electronics) Source one: Are two (or N) resistors in series more precise than one big resistor?

Source two: https://www.eecs.tufts.edu/~dsculley/tutorial/voltageDividers/voltdiv2.html

EDIT: Yes, i am trying to power devices, an ESP8266-01 to be precise, the power will be coming from a Lithium battery.

Best Answer

Well yes, you can combine in series two 1k resistor in order to make a 2k one. However, if you want to draw some current from this new voltage point, you rather use a linear voltage regulator such as 7805 or a LM317 combined with resistor.

A little tips about resistors in series :

By using two resistors in series, the power is also split equally across both resistor.

The current passing through each resistor is still the same but resistor's value is twice lower, so the dissipated power for each resistor is also divided by two. This can lead you a technical choice in some case of high current or cost restriction.