Electronic – the equivalent of compile of modelsim in quartus prime


In ModelSim, I can click compile and ModelSim will compile it quickly, around 1 or 2 seconds.

But in Quartus Prime, I need to run Analysis & Elaboration or Analysis & Synthesis which runs more than 40 seconds for the same code which takes only 1 or 2 seconds to compile in ModelSim.

I know Analysis & Synthesis will perform Synthesis as well, but sometimes I need to just check whether my code has error or not without the need to synthesis.

Until now, I have been going back and forward between those two CAD tools.

Any suggestion will be appreciated.

Best Answer

For doing FPGA development, you really don't want to synthesize your code until you have simulated it and verified that it works. From your comments about modelsim, it seems you are mostly doing that, so I'd recommend using modelsim to check for syntax errors in your code, and only move to quarts when you are satisfied that it's correct.