Electronic – the name of these connectors? (XBee Radio Module)


I'm migrating a design from an older through hole module, to a new module that has edge connectors. The dev kit has these nice spring loaded connectors on the carrier board where the module just pops in, but I don't know what they're called. I've googled everything I can think of with no luck.

Spring Edge Connectors
Radio Module

Best Answer

Asked before: What exact header is this? (and others)

So as mentioned in the linked post it is these:


It appears to be obsolete though. I get some strange hits via octopart on the partnumber 76002056. It directs to the devboard and not the socket. (sortof; is that price correct?)

It seems to me that these are something properitary to digi. I would reach out directly to them. I have no idea, but they might sell them directly to you. Worth a try anyway.

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