Electronic – the physical meaning of the voltage across an inductor in the Laplace domain

circuit analysisdifferentialinductorlaplace transform

In my Electrical Engineering degree I recently learned how to analyse circuits using Laplace transforms and I know that the Laplace transform of the voltage across an inductor is \$V_L(s) =s*L*I(s) – L*i(0)\$, but I don't understand its physical meaning. I know that \$s*L\$ is the impedance so with Ohm's law we get \$V_L(s) =s*L*I(s)\$ but when it gets to subtracting \$L*i(0)\$ I don't understand where it comes from, I know it is supposed to represent the initial voltage but shouldn't it be also \$s*L*i(0)\$ ?

Best Answer

The Laplace transform of a derivative is

$$\mathcal{L}\left\{ \frac{dy}{dt} \right\} = s\mathcal{L}\left\{f\right\} - y(0^+)$$

Ie. \$y(0^+)\$ is the initial condition, for time approaching zero from the right side.

Since the "law" of inductors is

$$v_L = L\cdot \frac{di_L}{dt}$$

Its Laplace transform is given by

$$\begin{align} V_L(s) &= L\left( sI_L(s) - i_L(0^+) \right) \\ &= Ls\cdot I_L(s) - L\cdot i_L(0^+) &\Downarrow \\ I_L(s) &= \frac{V_L(s)}{Ls} + \frac{i_L(0^+)}{s} \end{align}$$

So in this formula, \$i_L(0^+)\$ takes the meaning of the initial current through the inductor. From the last equation, you also can assign a physical meaning to it. This equation coincides to having a parallel constant current source with the inductor!

In other words, you can replace an inductor with


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

For a capacitor, the same can be done. It will result in putting a constant voltage source in series with the capacitor.