Electronic – the purpose of \$C_E\$ in this circuit


I understand it acts like a filter for \$R_E\$, but what is the point?
enter image description here

Best Answer

In DC analysis, capacitors are taken as open-circuit. In small signal low or medium frequency AC analysis, capacitors are taken as short-circuit.

So, as @nidhin explained, CE shorts RE in AC.

What does this bring? RE provides thermal stability so that the DC operation point (i.e. bias) does not change. Without CE, small signal voltage gain would be \$A_V = -R_C / (r_e + R_E)\$, where \$r_e = 26mV/I_{C-bias}\$. Since RE is shorted by a sufficiently large capacitor, CE, voltage gain will be \$A_V = R_C/r_e\$.


  • DC thermal stability remains.
  • Voltage gain increased.
  • Gain becomes transistor-dependent which we mostly don't want.