Audio – Purpose of AND Gate in an Audio Amplifier


I am analyzing the below audio amplifier circuit (from 4D Systems) and I am trying to figure out, what is the purpose of the positive AND gate (SN74LVC1G08) which connects to the audio input signal?

Audio input is PWM format.

enter image description here

Best Answer

We can only guess, but it is most likely a buffer, both to speed it up and to reference it to the 3.3V supply going into L1.

If I were implementing something like that, I'd make sure that the 3.3V supply was exceptionally clean, possibly even regulated from some higher voltage for no other purpose than to provide power for that AND gate. The reason for this is that the AND gate is essentially multiplying its supply voltage by the PWM -- that's why I'd make it clean, and that's why the circuit designer has put L1 and C27 in there.