Electronic – the required bandwidth for QAM modulation

digital modulationModulation

Why is the allocated bandwith smaller with QAM-16 or 64 compared to e.g. QAM-4? I am not a professional so I'm looking for an intuitive explanation.

Best Answer

NxN-QAM means Quadrature Amplitude Modulation and it is a modulation scheme where the transmitted signal is the "mix" of two quadrature carriers whose amplitude is digitally modulated independently so as to give N different possible amplitude levels per each carrier. Therefore 64-QAM is 8x8-QAM, for example.

The total bandwidth of such a signal is proportional to the baud rate \$\dfrac 1 T\$ where T is the symbol time, i.e. the time needed to transmit a symbol. Note that each simbol in NxN-QAM carries \$\log_2(NxN)\$ bits of information, therefore 64-QAM carries 6 bit of information per symbol, whereas 4-QAM carries only 2 bit per symbol and 16-QAM carries 4.

If you consider a constant information transmission rate, i.e. a constant bit rate, you can see that increasing the number of bits per symbol makes the symbol time increase, hence the required bandwidth decreases.

To be more explicit, imagine you have to transmit a message with a bit rate of 64kbit/s. If you use 4-QAM you can transmit 2 bit per symbol, so you need to transmit at 32kSymbols/s (32kBaud). If you use 64-QAM you can transmit 6 bit per symbol, hence your baud rate drops to ~10.6kSymbols/s (10.6kBaud). Since we said that bandwidth is proportional to baud rate you see how the required bandwidth dropped using 64-QAM for a constant bit rate.

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