Electronic – the size of a normal potentiometer screw hole


I have a potentiometer that looks like this:


I don't want to solder wire onto the leads. Instead, I want to do something like this:


What is the standard size of the hole that I need to put the screw in?

Best Answer

What's your rationale for not wanting to solder to the terminals of the pot in Fig.1 ?

They are designed to be soldered to wires. The best practice is to hook the wire through the little hole, and then solder it. (Special MIL-spec bonus if you can prevent solder from wicking up into the stranded wire.) For strain relief, add heat shrink such that it covers the terminal and some length of wire.

Update. In response to Blake's comment.

I can give you a couple of tips on soldering.

  • Solder should melt on the pin (that included wires) rather than on the soldering iron. That means that the pin should to be heated up sufficiently.

  • Flux helps remove oxidation. If you use no-clean flux, you don't need to clean it.

  • Leaded solder has a lower melting temperature, so it's easier to use than lead-free.

May be, I'll be able to find a good tutorial video and post a link in another comment. Also, there ought to be a good "soldering tutorial" thread or wiki on this board too.