Electronic – the standard 1-wire bus connector


What is the normal connector that people put at the end of a long cable with a MAX31820 / DS18B20 temperature sensor at the other end?
What is the normal connector that people solder to the PCB when they intend such a cable to be plugged into that PCB?

I'm making a PCB that will go inside a small refrigerated box that (among other things) measures the temperature at various "interesting" locations inside that box and the ambient temperature outside the box, and drives a Peltier thermoelectric cooler (TEC) to keep that box at the desired setpoint temperature.

The MAX31820 / DS18B20 temperature sensor at each location are all wired in parallel in a 1-wire bus. There will be multiple sensors.
(It's actually 3 wires :-).

My Google searches turn up several pages that seem to say "there is now a
standard for connector pin-outs" for the 1-wire bus,
but each site's explanation of "the" standard seems to contradict the other sites.

Several different "standard" connectors and pinouts are listed in:
— each one shows at least 2 different connectors or pinouts on a connector.
Is one of these (or perhaps something else) the current de-facto standard?

Best Answer

[This started as a comment, but I've run out of room. Systems engineering is wordy work.]

I've tried to look up the draft standard mentioned in the comments, but to almost no avail. The website 1Wire.org seems to be defunct. The best pinout information is on pp.13-14 of the 1-Wire Application Guide 1.03, which David (the O.P.) have dug up.

David, I understand your question, but I don't understand your problem. Please correct me if I'm wrong with the following.

  1. Are you planning to use an existing 1-wire host box?
    Looks like you don't. If you did, you would be forced to conform to the pinout of that hypothetical box.
  2. Are you planning to use an existing sensor with a connector?
    Again, it looks like you don't. If you did, the sensor would force the pinout on you. So far, you have been mentioning sensors packaged in TO-92.
  3. Are you planning to sell your the sensor assemblies to the 3rd parties, so that they can use it with host boxes that are already out there?

The RJ-11 cable is the thinnest, cheapest (between Between RJ-11, RJ-12 and RJ-45). For a relatively closed system whose components don't interface with 3rd party components, I would pick a common RJ-11 pinout from the table on p.13 and use that.