Electronic – Thermal pad thickness


We are going to use GAP PAD HC 5.0 thermal pad to transfer the heat from a FPGA (XCKU040) to a heatsink. My question is regarding the thickness I should choose to obtain best performance.

On the one side, I understand that lower thickness = lower thermal resistance = higher heat transfer. On the other side, higher thickness allows it to absorb more deformations in the chip / heatsink surface, but it is worse in terms of heat transfer.

Is this correct? Any more ideas?

Thank you very much.

Best Answer

For that chip I'd go with the thinnest 20 mil.
The case is so smooth if they had a thinner one I'd use that.
The case top surface does not appear to deviate more than 1 mil.
I guess that's the quality you get when you pay over $2,000 for a chip.

I like the thermal pad you selected. Good choice.

enter image description here

On the other side, higher thickness allows it to absorb more deformations in the chip / heatsink surface, but it is worse in terms of heat transfer.

Yes, thicker is worse in terms of heat transfer.
Doubling the pad thickness doubles the thermal resistance.

enter image description here
Source: Gap Pad 5000S35 datasheet