Electronic – Thevenin equivalent circuit with current and voltage source


I have the circuit below and I have to calculate complex current i1using thevenin equivalent circuit method:

I tried to follow the rules and open the terminal AB across the resistor:
enter image description here

I want to ask if this is a correct way to convert the circuit to thevenin. Also I am not sure is capacitor's reactance -4iis same as -4j or 4, 90 degree ?

Then The voltage across AB terminal would be equal to voltage across the capacitor? Is it ok to in this case see the voltage source as a short?

Best Answer

The Thevenin voltage looking into the terminals A & B can be found by inspection using superposition.

\$V_{th} = (-j2A) \cdot (-j4\Omega) + j4V \$

The first term is found by zeroing the voltage source on the right and the second term is found by zeroing the current source on the left.

The Thevenin impedance is easy too; simply zero both sources to get:

\$ Z_{th} = -j4 \Omega\$

The current is then found to be:

\$I_{resistor} = \dfrac{V_{th}}{Z_{th} + 8 \Omega}\$

I highly recommend reviewing the late Dr. Leach's notes on using superposition. I've taught it this way for years. If you practice using superposition, you will amaze your friends and professors alike by solving many circuits by inspection.