Electronic – Thevenin voltage for a simple circuit


Trying to find the Thevenin equivalent voltage for the circuit on the picture below.
This voltage is supposed to be found at the round dots to the very right in the circuit.

According to the answer sheet the answer is supposed to be 16V for the Thevenin voltage.

However I keep getting the wrong answer and I don't understand why, I'm pretty new to this so there might be something very basic I'm overlooking. I've tried several variants, but still keep getting the wrong answer, should I overlook a resistor or something?
Any help highly appreciated.

I found the \$R_{th} = 7.18 k\Omega\$

\$R_{parallel} = 2.18 k\Omega\$

\$Uth = 22V \times \dfrac{5+8}{5+2.18} = 39.8 V \$ but should be \$16 V\$

Original circuit

Best Answer

We ignore the R10 because effectively there is an infinite resistor across the two output terminals. Which means you have the same voltage drop at the output as is dropped across R9 which is 16volts 22*(R9/(R9+R8))

(Just think of it as another voltage divider of an infinite resistor and R10. The infinite resistor gets all the voltage across it with nothing dropped across R10.)

The memory aid of an infinite resistor across any open terminals, makes those out-lying dummy resistors (Like R10) easier to understand.