Electronic – this part of the webcam called


What is this camera component called?

I was recently taking apart my old laptop and found that the webcam module had this circular component that screws on and off. I saw that it contains the lenses, and behind it is the sensor. I attached a high quality photo I found online to show what I'm referring to.

I wanted to see if I could find more information about them online, but unfortunately couldn't find much at all. I can find data about the camera sensors (the square part below it), but not of the lens itself. I'm not looking for information for this exact model, just "generic" lenses.

Does anyone know what keywords to search to find information about these small "module" lenses? Or examples of manufacturers that produce these? I've been searching for the past day but am struggling, so any help is appreciated!

enter image description here

Best Answer

They're often called "board lenses". They can be either integrated in with the sensor, or interchangeable. The interchangeable ones are usually "M12":


Usually devices with an autofocus will not have interchangeable lenses (since the lens is mounted on a voice coil driver). In your case, it looks to me like the lens is custom for the sensor and probably not something you will find a datasheet for.