Electronic – To-scale images useful for comparing sizes of small (SOT23 and smaller) packages typical for discrete transistors or diodes


Is there a to-scale image available somewhere that shows SOT23, SOT323, SOT523, etc. packages used typically for discrete transistors or diodes, so that someone without access to a PCB layout program could compare them?

All I could find is https://www.centralsemi.com/PDFs/literature/Diodes_SF_English_PDF_Version.pdf which is helpful for comparing the larger packages (D2PAK, DPAK, etc.) but not the smaller ones.

(And https://www.mccsemi.com/pdf/SMDDimensionSelectionGuide.pdf where the displayed images are not accurate in relative size)

For example, here is one from ON Semi covering 6-pin packages

enter image description here

Best Answer

When in doubt, make one.

enter image description here

Using KiCad to place the desired components and then plotting the fab layer (with pad sketch) to produce the required PDF, which should print 1:1
