Electronic – Transistor analysis, how can I find the currents


I am struggling with the currents and their directions.

Here you can see the simple circuit part.

Since Vth(EBJ)= 0.7, Vth(CBJ)= 0.7

I could calculate the VCE by V(CBJ)-V(EBJ)= Vc-Vb – (Ve-Vb) = Vc-Ve = V(CE)= 0.2.

The thing I cannot understand is emitter current value of Q1 (Ie1) and base current of Q2 (Ib2).

We know the +10Volts, V(CE)=0.2 but I cannot still find the currents properly (especially when the base current of Q2 and collector current of Q1 meet.) Can you please help me to understand the logic?


Best Answer

but I cannot still find the currents properly

All currents can be found by solving a system of 4 equations.

We already know that \$\mathrm{|V_{CE}|=0.2V}\$ and \$I_E=I_B+I_C\$ for both NPN and PNP transistors.

Here are all the equations:

Equation-1 (from Vcc to PNP's emitter to base to ground):

$$ \mathrm{ 10V=10k \ I_{E1}+0.7V+10k \ I_{B1} \\ \therefore 9.3V=10k\ (2\ I_{B1}+I_{C1}) \ \ \ \ ... (1) } $$

Equation-2 (From Vcc to PNP's emitter to collector to ground):

$$ \mathrm{ 10V=10k\ I_{E1}+V_{EC-pnp}+10k\ (I_{C1}-I_{B2}) \\ \therefore 9.8V=10k\ (2\ I_{C1}+I_{B1}-I_{B2}) } $$

Equation-3 (From PNP's collector to ground and from NPN's base to emitter to ground): $$ \mathrm{ 10k\ (I_{C1}-I_{B2}) = V_{BE-npn} + 10k\ I_{E2} \\ \therefore 10k\ (I_{C1}+I_{C2}-2I_{B2})=0.7V } $$

Equation-4 (From Vcc to NPN's collector to emitter to ground): $$ \mathrm{ 10V=30k\ I_{C2}+V_{CE-npn}+10k\ I_{E2} \\ \therefore 9.8V=10k\ (4\ I_{C2}+I_{B2}) } $$

There are 4 unknowns and 4 equations. If you solve this 4-eq system via matrices (preferably) or replacements (too difficult), you'll find;





Don't forget to crosscheck.