Electronic – Trimmer pot to fixed resistor conversion

potentiometerresistorsvoltage divider

Sorry for the simplicity of this question but I've been struggling on this circuit for a while.

In the schematic link below you'll see a trimmer pot and I simply want to replace it with one/two fixed resistors.

I'm under the impression it will be two resistor to form a voltage divider, but still struggling to achieve this.

Following the schematic that states the 10k pot should be tuned to ~7.8k how would the circuit be rewritten to include fixed resistors?


Thanks for any help.

Best Answer


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

If the bottom part of the pot is 7.8K then the top should be 10K-7.8K = 2.2K.

For the feedback voltage to equal the reference (2.495V), the voltage at the top of the divider would have to be (10/7.8)*2.495V = 3.20V.