Electronic – Trying to identify this potentiometer marked “B5K”


I'm trying to identify this potentiometer as accurately as possible:

Photo of potentiometer

On the rear it says: B5K.

It has two rows of 3 pins each:


Below are some measurements taken with my multimeter between pins 2 and 3, and the unit is: kΩ.

When taking the measurements, I was making small increments. I tried to make the same increment amount each time. But you know, I'm human and the increments were not totally perfect. I did this 4 times, see the following graphs:

Measurement graph 1

Measurement graph 2

Measurement graph 3

Measurement graph 4

Can you identify this potentiometer?

What's the nature of this potentiometer? linear, logarithmic, etc?

Where I could buy it?

Is there any other data I would need to provide, in order to properly identify it?


Best Answer

If it's a "B" type, it should be linear. From your plots, it's not very linear, but it's definitely not logarithmic either.

So it's a 5K linear potentiometer. Given the tolerances, a 4.7K one would probably also work if you can't find 5K.

As per the comment by Hearth, if it's got 6 pins, it will be a dual-gang 5K pot.