PCB – Sourcing a Slow Blow Fuse Component


I’ve stumbled upon this forum in a search for a replacement part for a PCB that makes up a digital ballast for a HPS light used in basil clone production.

I’m handay with a soldering iron but I am no electrical engineer so I’m finding it hard finding a way to source the replacement part.

From what I’ve gathered it’s a slow blow fuse, 10a / 350v as stated in the picture below. The ‘F1’ led me to believe it’s a fuse… (I know, a true amateur) ha!

Is this a speciality piece? I’m in the UK and which is 230/240v supply. With the ballast rated to 1200w I believe the 350v is to fascilitate the inrush of current… (excuse me if terms are spaghetti).

Any ideas on how to identify this component? You can see in the pic it has burnt out / blown and there’s also evident of a bit of water damage isolated to this fuse and the incoming L and N terminals.

Can I replace the fuse?

blown PCB fuse

Best Answer

You are correct, it is a fuse.

You could potentially replace it with another 10A/350V fuse. The problem with doing so is the timing of the fuse is not known, which could be a problem with inrush current. When I have found myself in this situation, and the inrush current is not known (because I was in a hurry), I started with fast blow fuses and worked my way to slow blow (but that was also with replaceable fuses).

The best thing to do would be to find a BOM (Bill Of Materials, with all the parts and manufacturers listed on it) to find a direct replacement, if that can't be done, then experiment.

Another note: The inconsistency in the circuit could still exist, so even if this is repaired the fuse might fail again.