Electronic – Trying to understand how a darlington transistor works


From my understanding the point of a darlington transistor is to take one voltage and boost it further than what a single transistor is capable of.

I can't understand how it is actually doing that, though. Looking at the diagram below, E (Emitter) would be ground and a voltage is applied to B (base). At a sufficient voltage, The transistor is "switched" and now the voltage that is C is now the base voltage of the second transistor. Then the second transistor can switch and C can flow to ground. Why is this second transistor in place? It seems like it could be eliminated.

enter image description here

Best Answer

The key here is understanding that transistors (specifically BJTs) do not operate on voltages, but rather on currents. There are a few voltages that matter, such as the voltage drop between the base and emitter, but as a general rule, it's the currents which matter for BJTs.

BJTs are current amplifiers. The more current travels through the Base-Emitter path, the more current is permitted to pass through the Collector-Emitter path. The relationship between these currents is well approximated by considering two regions. The first is the "active" state, where the Collector-Emitter current is proportional to the Base-Emitter current. The constant of proportionality of this relationship is called the "beta" of the transistor (often on the order of 100). The second state, at higher currents, is known as the "saturation" state, where the Collector-Emitter current is relatively constant with respect to the Base-Emitter current.

Darlington pairs often appear in situations where high current amplification is needed. They make "power BJTs" which are optimized to have a high saturation current, but it is very difficult to make such power BJTs with a high gain. A darlington pair allows you to combine the best of both worlds. The first transistor is a normal high gain BJT, multiplying the Base-Emitter current and permitting a large multiple of that to flow from Collector to Emitter. The second transistor is a power BJT, which has a much lower gain, but better maximum currents. The base of this BJT is fed by the entire combined current flowing through the smaller transistor, so the total current flowing from its Collector to its Emitter is even larger.

The above situation works well in both switching and amplifying modes for the transistor. Indeed Darlington pairs are sometimes used to power motors in the switching mode. If we only consider amplifying, a second major use case appears. If we use two signal transistors (rather than one signal transistor and one power BJT), we can't handle the high currents, but we can have extremely high gains. In theory, this pattern can be stacked as far as you like, each layer multiplying the total beta by the beta of that transistor. Betas of 10,000 or 1,000,000 are achievable in these situations (limited by noise, of course).

Darlington pairs have some limits. One limit is that their frequency response is limited by two transistors, not just one. This constrains their high frequency use. Another limit is that they are not very linear. Specifically crafted amplifier circuits tend to provide far higher quality amplification. However, they are small, simple, and tend to work.