Electronic – Tuning PID without transfer function

control theorypid controller

I'm very new to control theory and I am stuck at PID tuning.
I have a given Simulink model but I do not know the transfer function. I want to use a PID to provide new input from the output of the model.
Is it possible to tune the gains of the PID controller without knowing the transfer function?
Which methods can I use for this?

Best Answer

If you don't 'know' the transfer function but you can run experiments (on simulink) with it you can either

  • Determine an approximation of the TF using an ARMA model or other system identification techniques.
  • Use a genetic algorithm to tune the PID until you get a 'good' PID for that system.
  • Use methods such as the Åström-Hägglund relay method, a self tunning method.
  • Use Ziegler-Nichols method to get some controller.