Electronic – typical ‘ferrite’ for use in a PCB


I have a circuit diagram that I am trying to replicate (actually the Teensy 3.0/3.1 circuit diagram shown here https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/schematic.html) and there is a component called simply 'ferrite'. On the board it is a SMB component, maybe in a 1206 package but with no markings.

Is this a common component such that there is a 'standard' value for it? (e.g. 'pullup resistors' are usually around 10kOhm or specified according to the internal resistance of the driving pin)

Best Answer

No, there isn't. Each ferrite has its own characteristics and curves, and selecting the correct ferrite involves examining them and seeing how they interact with the system. Sure, there are a wide range of things you want to filter across a large number of circuits, but a ferrite large enough to do so is too large to belong on most PCBs (which is usually why they're on the cables leading in and out instead).