Electronic – UART & USART – What’s the difference


In the office I hear these terms thrown around as if they are the same. My understanding is that USARTs can deliver the clock signal along with the data.

Are there any other differences? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Best Answer

UART = Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter

USART = Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter

A USART can act in Asynchronous mode just like a UART. But is has the added capability of acting Synchronously. This means that the data is clocked. The clock is either recovered from the data itself or sent as an external signal. The data is regular and bits synchronize with the clock signal. No start and stop bits are used. This allows for a higher baud rate when operating synchronously because bit timings have a certain guarantee and more bits can be used for data instead of as headers.

Whereas a UART has an internal clock signal and data on the bus can have somewhat sloppier and aregular timing. UARTs require start and stop bits and Asynchronous data is only synchronized with the start and stop bits.