Electronic – Ultra low ripple constant-current LED driver design


I designed a LED driver(SMPS configuration) with ILD6150XUMA1 and below is the circuit. I used it with AC/DC adapter. The thing is, th optical system is ultra sensitive and ripple from the LED supresses the actual signal(Between 1K – 20KHz). It is the schematic and the board below:


I need to draw 1 A current per LED strings so ripples quite high in the system. The question is how can I eliminate those ripples. I calculated my limit as 5mV Vpp ripple for 1 A current draw and 5V supply. I know this is so hard to do, but I need any suggestions now. Configurations, topologies, some special cares anything. Only thing I have to do is to draw 1 A current from the LEDs and ripples should be very very less.

Best Answer

Ripple is a function of the inductor. More inductance = less ripple.

Minimum for this circuit should be 47uH for 50% ripple. You are going to need a lot more.

ESR of the cap is an efficiency issue as well as the resistance of the inductor.