Capacitor Current Measurement – Ultracapacitors as a Battery: How Long Will They Last?

capacitorcurrent measurementsupercapacitorvoltage measurement

I would like a formula to be able to calculate how long it would take 6 2.7v 350f ultracapacitors connected in series to degrade from 14.4 volts to 11.5 volts given a parasitic draw of a specific load.

For example:
A bank of capacitors replacing the lead acid battery of an automobile, charged to 14.4 volts by the alternator. How long can the car sit with the engine off before the voltage dropped to 11.5 volts? 11.5v it's a minimum voltage before the starter will not turn over the engine.

6 2.7v 350f ultracapacitors at 16.2v 58.33f
Balancing board

Q. Do the balancing board resistors cause the capacitors to drain faster?
Q. How fast does a ultracapacitor drain on its own not connected to anything?

12v system
Parasitic current draw of 0.03Amps
Starting voltage 14.4v
Minimum voltage 11.5

Best Answer

Let's look at a simple analysis first. The basic equation relating current and voltage is $$\frac{dV}{dt} = \frac{i}{C} $$ where i is in amps and C is in farads. For a current of .03 amps and 58.33 farads $$\frac{dV}{dt} = 5.14 x 10^{-4} $$ so in one hour $$\Delta V = 1.85\text{ volts}$$ Since 14.4 minus 11.5 equals 2.9 volts, your ultra caps will last about $$\Delta t = \frac{2.9}{1.85} = 1.57\text{ hours}$$

This is so short a period that you simply don't need to worry about self-discharge currents.

EDIT - Along the same lines, you need to take a look at the load on a car battery. The big-ticket item is starting. Starting loads are typically 100 to 200 amps.

For a current of 100 amps (and this is best-case, remember. Starting in cold temperatures takes rather more.) we find $$\frac{dV}{dt} = 1.71 $$ and for a 2.9 volt drop, $$\Delta t = \frac{2.9}{1.71} = 1.69\text{ seconds}$$ For 200 amps, of course, the time is half that, or about 0.85 seconds.

So you might want to reconsider using caps (ultra or otherwise) for a car battery replacement. Also, just for fun, you need to check the spec sheet for the maximum current which can be drawn from an ultracap without damaging it.