Electronic – Unable to identify the symbol in schematic

schematicssymbol [~]

In my job I came across reading a customer schematic. I am facing trouble in identifying the marked part of the schematic, which is connected at the pins of uUSB Interface Controller.

It seems like a fuse but not very sure of the symbol, as its confidential, unfortunately the engineer did not give a part name also. Any way, it doesn't effect the design but I am eager to know about it out of interest.

The design is of a mobile phone.

Schematic containing the unknown symbol

Best Answer

It does not get the same signal i.e JIG_ON_N.

Actually it is shutdown or reset button that requires a short push (push button) that is short this two wires. Search on Eagle

enter image description here

Some times, schematic editor softwares using strange symbols that are not standard for industry.