Electronic – Understanding circuit diagrams


Where is the 5V going from the 7805 regulator in this guitar amplifier schematic?

This comes across to me as a dead end part of the circuit.

I know the grounds are all linked but I am still struggling to work out what the purpose of this voltage regulator is and where the 5V is elsewhere in the circuit.

enter image description here

Best Answer

enter image description here

Look at R1 it has a value of \$\color{red}{\text{330/1W}}\$

Compare with R39 - it has a value of \$\color{red}{\text{[100/5W]*}}\$ - why the square brackets and asterisk you might ask?

In fact all the component values associated with the 5 volt rail are enclosed in square brackets followed by an asterisk.

In my book this means "not fitted".