Electronic – uploading sketch using mcp2221 to Atmel Mega1284P


Hi I am unable to upload sketch to Atmel mega1284p using a mcp2221 usb to uart converter IC.

I have a simple code prints "message received" It works to program the Mega1284p using arduino nano as ISP. But not using the MCP2221 over usb. I took a long time and eventually errors out. I tried pressing reset button on ATMega while uploading, I tried swapping TX and RX. I double checked COM port. Please help.


     System wide configuration file is "C:\Users\hhuynh\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\MightyCore\hardware\avr\2.0.1/avrdude.conf"

     Using Port                    : COM5
     Using Programmer              : arduino
     Overriding Baud Rate          : 38400

An error occurred while uploading the sketch

This is my setting

This is similar to how my circuit is connected

This is my setup.

This schematic is simular to how mine is setup.

Best Answer

Turns out bootloader is erased when programming using arduino as ISP. I need to re flash the bootloader and program through the MCP2221.