Electronic – USB + Power: Isolate or not

isolationpower supplyusb

I am working on an adapter that will allow a device to be connected to both a PC and external power supply. I am wondering if I will need to isolate the 2 5V supplies with a DC/DC converter and some opt-couplers or will I likely get away with what I have below?

Am I completely off here or am I heading in a reasonable direction?

USB Suppa Power

EDIT: This is a computer talking to a tablet device.

Best Answer


USB is a bidirectional differential bus, and will be hard to brute-force isolate with optocouplers. I'd recommend purpose-built IC's to do the job for you. I've been happy with the ADUM line, though I haven't done USB isolation.

As to whether you need to isolate or not, we'd have to know much more about your application. There's no reason per se why you would need to isolate just because you're using an external supply in addition to Vusb. That said, I've used unisolated USB audio interfaces that I sure wished were isolated.