Electronic – use FET input capacitance to store a charge for some time


I am new to EE but I see that FETs such as the FQP30N06L have an input capacitance of 800pF. Can that be used to store a charge for some time?

The goal is to push a momentary button to power on a Raspberry Pi and after about 60 seconds detect on a Pi GPIO input that the power button was pushed. And because it is solar-powered, a requirement is to minimize the current in use when the Pi is not powered. Power on events could be hours apart.

The circuit powers on a power control latch via a FET gate. This latch starts the Pi booting. The circuit also feeds voltage into the gate of another FET which would start current flowing. After the Pi is booted, I want it to read the state on the second FET to determine if the power button was pressed. (The Pi could be started via other means so I need to be able to determine what started it.)

Is this doable? Is there a better FET for the job? Is there a better way to meet the goal?

It doesn't work on Falstad, but I'm not sure if that's because of a limitation there; they don't have a parameter on FETs for input capacitance.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

Why don't you just forget the fet and charge a 100 nF capacitor up? It seems that M1 is bringing nothing to the party but complication. Once charged via the diode, it will hold that charge for long enough to read then, you switch the GPIO to an output and discharge it ready for next time. Why all the complexity and uncertainty of the fet?

If you are worried about the cap charging to 5 volts and hurting the lower voltage GPIO then use a charge potential divider before the diode and maybe a 1 kohm in series to the GPIO line.