Electronic – Use of different formulas for capacitor impedence (phasors)


I'm confused about why I see two different formulas for calculating capacitor impedance \$Z_{cap}\$ using phasors.

For one formula in my text, I see:

$$Z_{cap} = \frac{1}{jwC}$$

And another I see:

$$Z_{cap} = \frac{-j}{wC}$$

Where \$w\$ is omega (angular frequency) and \$C\$ is the capacitor value.

Will someone enlighten me, or am I incorrect to assume these are equivalent and can be substituted for one another?

Best Answer

Both these equations are correct because \$j = \sqrt{-1} \$

We have

$$Z_{cap} = \dfrac{1}{j \ \omega \ C} = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{-1} \ \omega \ C} = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{-1} \ \omega \ C} \cdot \dfrac{\sqrt{-1}}{\sqrt{-1}} = - \dfrac{\sqrt{-1}}{\omega \ C} = - \dfrac{j}{\omega \ C}$$