Electronic – Use transistors to amplify a very small voltage


I'm new to electronics and I have a problem. I want to use a LED to detect light but the voltage it provides is very small (30 mV) and I don't think it can open a transistor. How can I amplify this voltage? (I don't want to use op amp) And, I have only NPN transistors. Can you help me?

Best Answer

If you just want to detect light then use this circuit. Reverse bias the LED into the emitter of an NPN transistor. When light hits the LED then reverse current will flow proportional to the incident light. The transistor provides current gain, boosting the LED current from say (10uA) to around 1mA.

The behavior of the circuit will be this. In the dark the output is high, in the light the output is low.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab