Electronic – Using a transistor instead of a relay to control a DC motor

dc motorrelaytransistors

I've made a simple relay circuit to switch power to a small DC motor

Here is a diagram of what I got right now:
enter image description here

Is it possible to replicate that with a transistor. Which one would be a good choice?

Best Answer

You can use a logic gate MOSFET, like the FDC855, and then your circuit will look like this:

enter image description here

A FET will give you a high current if needed (probably not necessary, since you're powering the motor from AA cells).

Or a BJT like the BC547, and then you would make it like this:

enter image description here

With the 1 kΩ base resistor you'll have minimum 100 mA current for the motor. If you need more I'd recommend the FET solution.
The diode can be a 1N4148.