Electronic – Using FreeRTOS in Atmel Studio 6.2


I have been trying to create an atmel project that uses FreeRTOS on an ATmega328 but I cannot seem to get it to work. I have read several article on how to do this, especially this and this one (which is in french but google translate should do the trick). Basically, what I did was to:

  1. Download the FreeRTOS source code
  2. Create a new Atmel Studio (C executable) targeting the atmega328
  3. Add the FreeRTOS source code to the project (respecting the folder structure as suggested in the tutorials)
  4. Then compile it. However, I get this error "FreeRTOS.h: No such file or directory"
    I have made sure to add all the source file in my compiler's directories (again as suggested by the tutorials) but I always get the same nasty error. Heck, I have even downloaded the attached templates (from the tutorial sites) but I get the same compile error. Does anyone knows how to solve this?
  5. I am using Atmel studio 6.2 sp2 on windows 8. My compile is the default avr gcc.
  6. My directory list looks like thisenter image description here
  7. My defined symbols looks like as follows enter image description here
  8. The completed Atmel Studio 6.2 solution is shared to google drive if someone would like to take a look at it
    Google drive link of the complete solution

Best Answer

This usually happens if you omit this step from the instructions:

And in Directories you will need to include all directories containing .h files in your project(I only managed to get working only with absolute paths). Add GCC_MEGA_AVR in Defined Symbols to tell core that we are going to use GCC for AVR microcontroller.

If you think you did that, show us a screenshot of your Directories Settings.

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