Electronic – Using HD44780 display without contrast potentiometer


I found tutorial about connecting HD44780 display to Raspberry Pi.

In this tutorial there is no contrast potentiometer. Vo is connected to ground.

Tutorial author says:

In order to control the contrast you can adjust the voltage presented
to Pin 3. This must be between 0 and 5V. I tied this pin to ground.

Is this common and correct way to use this display?

I never seen that before (Vo connected to GND).

Link to tutorial

Best Answer

Yes, it works and quite common. It's 0V to VCC, inclusive. Ground is 0V. So that works. You can also use a pair of resistors to make a voltage divider for a fixed contrast outside of just Ground. Only draw back is that you can't adjust the contrast, but unless you are taking the display to very different lighting environments all the time, who cares.