Electronic – Using pogo pins in a commercial product as contacts


I've a question about possible usage of pogo pins in a commercial product. I've seen they have simply working principle and are easy to integrate in a case, some of that also have current rating up to 2-3Amps and gold finish. Is it possible to use them in this context? For example in an expansion board that don't require particular connection.

enter image description here

Best Answer

It's possible to use them, but it may not be a good idea in terms of reliability. I've used them on production test stands to connect to devices as they get built and they were one of the biggest maintenance issues. Pins would get bent, they'd bind and get stuck in the compressed position, something would loosen so they'd make intermittent contact and so on.

On the other hand, Apple uses a similar component in their MagSafe power connector for charging MacBooks.