Electronic – Using Relay With Microcontroller


I have created a boost converter which boost 12v to 60v. I want to be able to pulse this voltage under water. I would like to have only the positive lead (Vout from boost) to come off the boost controller where the negative lead can just connect directly to the batter. I was wandering if a relay is what I need and if yes would this one work. lh1501ba


Ok, after reading all your helpful comments and answers I decided that the relay I chose might not be the right choice if I ever decide increase the frequency. The delay will just be to much. I made a amateurish attempt to include a PMOS to do the switching for me. The voltage will be variable controlled, and because of the nature of the Vgs on the PFET, I needed to also include a NMOS along with a voltage divider to help me provide the the correct gate voltage. I have it working correctly in LTspice but not sure how it will work in real life.

Here is the current schematic:

enter image description here

M2 is the PMOS and M3 is the NMOS. Also the signals are coming from the microcontroller and I have included a driver to drive the FETs.

Best Answer

Yes, that should work. Food for thought: SSRs (solid-state relays) are great because they "just work", but if you're building large quantities of this device, you'll probably want to use a high-side switch; they're way more economical, and can switch at much higher frequencies (since they're electrically, and not optically, coupled). You have to think a little harder when you go to hook one up, though.